Historically-demonstrative Hall of
Federal Service of Security of Russia

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Tour cost 55 EURO p.p.

Historically-demonstrative Hall of Federal Service of Security of Russia (former name - the Chekist Hall of KGB of the USSR) was opened in September 1984 on the initiative of Y.V.Andropov, who was then the Chairman of KGB. The Hall was created for perfecting professional training of the State Security organs employees, as well as for education of young employees in the best traditions of special service organs.From the beginning and up to 1989 the number of visitors exceeded 60 thousand people. Among them were leaders and operative staff of the Central body as well as of local organs, teachers and students of educational establishments of KGB, employees of the Social countries Security organs, who came in groups; frequent visitors were those who got training in this country, also deputies of Supreme Soviet of the USSR and Russian Federation.

Social political reforms, broadening open ness and democratic reforms in the country caused the necessity of a wider interpretation of the Security organs activities.

Historically-demonstrative Hall of Federal Service of Security of Russia

With this purpose in view in October 1989 the Hall was opened for organized groups of representatives of factories and offices, officers, students and schoolchildren. A little later the similar decision was taken concerning foreign guests. Before the opening of the Hall a presentation for Soviet and foreign journalists accredited in Moscow was held. Since that moment the Hall was visited by hundreds of thousands of Russian and foreign guests. It was visited by practically all the main special services of the world.

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